如何删除 Internet Gateway ( Internet 网关 )

news/2025/2/22 18:55:26





The Internet Gateway Device Discovery and Control Client permits Windows to detect and interact with Internet gateway devices. Internet gateway devices include routers and computers that run Internet Connection Sharing. Internet gateway devices use SSPD to broadcast their availability on the network. Using SSPD to do so permits clients to automatically locate the IGD device and use the device as their default gateway for external network access.

Windows XP Service Pack 1a (SP1a) makes the Internet Gateway Device Discovery and Control Client an optional networking component that you can add or remove by using Add or Remove Programs. You can add or remove the Internet Gateway Device Discovery and Control Client, based on your individual requirements. For additional information about how to obtain the latest Service Pack for Windows XP, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

322389  How to Obtain the Latest Windows XP Service Pack

If you want to remove the Internet Gateway Device Discovery and Control Client after you install Windows XP SP1a, follow these steps:
  1. Click Start, click Control Panel, click Add or Remove Programs, and then clickAdd/Remove Windows Components.
  2. In the Components list, click Networking Services, click Details, and then click to clear the Internet Gateway Device Discovery and Control Client check box.
  3. Click OK, click Next, and then click Finish.
  4. Restart your computer.

Note If you need the functionality of the Internet Gateway Device Discovery and Control Client, standard firewall practices, specifically blocking port 1900, can be used to help lower the risk of Internet-based attacks on your computer.




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